Monday, April 27, 2009

free but not so free week

i don't have any classes tomorrow and not feeling a teensy bit sleepy right now thanks to my long nap this afternoon
from 3 till 9
like i said, longgggggggggggggg nap
so that explains why i'm writing this now
at 3:26am in the morning

i've only 1 class this week
last MS class and T3 replacement
JY promised to bring me out for dim sum :)
care to join?
good excuse to ponteng MS right

this week's timetable is so in favor with me
only 3 classes for the whole week is pretty awesome okie
couldn't say the same for my huge pile of homework though
it's like our lecturers couldn't bear to see us rot away with our free time
wait.. how many past year questions are we supposed to complete again?
i've lost track
just take that number and multiply with 3 and you'll get my favorite past time for the week
the only past time seems more like it


  1. nice... i have like.. NO classes this week.. WOOHOOO!!!

  2. haha.. i know you very free lar now.. so start making the sushi-s for us this sunday. THANKS RACHEL.. :P
