Monday, February 27, 2012

i heard...

someone with your status and position shouldn't say things like that. i'm shocked to hear about it. once again, i was proven wrong that adults know better what to say and what not. don't go around spreading rumors about him. you don't know him. you don't have the right to judge. it may be rumors, it may be the truth. it doesn't matter. if it's the truth, you're in no power to judge him. if it's just rumors, you played a big part of spreading it. have you ever thought how he'd feel when he hears about this?

passing a remark like that without looking at the people you're closest with is just plain hypocritical. you should look at your own family members before commenting about him. as i think the said remark fits them perfectly rather than him. stop being a hypocrite and start living up to the expectations of people from a person of your status.

i like you.

there are people with such a like-able personality, that you could't help but look forward to spending time or just talk to them. friends like that are loads of fun to be with. they just make me genuinely happy without even trying. i could laugh all day at their dorky-ness. and yet sometimes, they can be serious, but just for a minute or two. :p

don't get me wrong though, i adore my other friends as well. but you've gotta agree, there are that handful of special people in your life that you just can't help but like / love. friends that make you smile when you think of them. friends that you like from the bottom of your heart. friends that you look forward to meet. friends that gives you the warm feeling when you're around them. friends that you love as a friend. :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

wait and pray wait for God's timing to work things in my life.

this is one of my new year resolution. still in the process of cultivating patience seeing that i've very limited stock of that.

Friday, February 24, 2012

今天听radio时  有这么一个slogan让我深思了一下
对  就只是那么一下  白羊座的人不喜欢复杂的事 :p

‘ 2月29号  这多出来的24小时  你要怎么过?’

还有偶尔看到朋友的fb status    觉得很有意思
‘what if God was one of us? just a stranger on the bus trying to make his way home.’


Monday, February 20, 2012

plan fail!

i tried to revamp my blog inside out. just so my fellow readers will think for a sec whether they're at the right blog. :p was kinda bored with my blog outlook for the past 2 years. and so i thought it's time to have some changes done! might boost my blogging mood too, so yeah.

i had this master plan of changing the layout and colors and everything. so it would look totally different. such ambition dreams! got myself all hyped up about the new look for my blog but i ended up only changing the color scheme and title of my blog. LOL! proves what a lazy bum i am. but hey, better than nothing ya?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


...... 但有时候单纯的友情更美

这是长年累月  一点一滴堆积而成的

他会放下所有的工作  带她去旅行忘掉悲伤


他女朋友不知道  但她知道

带着几杯啤酒  听她诉苦就没事了


不管她多夜打电话来  对她那一句 ‘你睡了吗’
他都会说 ‘没’

连续剧嘛  当然得有个好结局才对得起观众
他们俩到后来也真的在一起  有个完美的结局

虽然他们之间的爱  很让人羡慕
女生嘛  都喜欢被人捧在手心上疼
但现实中  爱情不是所有
我一直相信  友情比爱情走得更长远  更诚恳



感谢你  朋友们