Wednesday, December 14, 2011

hello december :)

now that my exams are over. IT'S TIME TO PARTYYYYYY! let the christmas spirit run wild! :D

Sunday, December 11, 2011

gahhh! can't wait for finals to be over! P123 papers are the last few papers in the ACCA finals. hence, while some people are holiday-ing, i'm still waiting for my turn to face the deadly papers. by 14dec i'll be done with exams for the year, and it'll be PARTYYYYY all the way till january. got a lot of outings to attend and some out-of-state/country visits as well. can't help feeling excited for the days after 14dec but i should probably get back to my books for now. exam's tomorrow! wish me luck. :)


所以不管你做什么  我都看不顺眼
但是  我真的真的很不喜欢你

因为不喜欢  你的所作所为  都会被放大来看
因为不喜欢  连说句话  都觉得别扭



Sunday, November 27, 2011

有时候  我会假装很快乐
有时候  我也会任性
有时候  我会突然没自信
有时候  我会拿不出勇气

一直以来  我都觉得自己不够好

我承认  我不算完美  但是我很真

credits facebook

Friday, November 11, 2011

me: so how is p2 edc without kylie?

W: boring and sleepy. come and entertain me!

S: like life without running man.

LOLLLL!! thanks for making me :) in a day like this.

Monday, November 7, 2011

someone who used to be so close, has turned into a total stranger in a span of few weeks.

we've all changed.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

If - Taeyeon

fell in love with taeyeon's voice all over again! though i may not understand the lyrics, her voice has the power to deeply touch your heart.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

jean-luc ♥

my latest obsession! fell in love with him after watching 16 wishes.
he's FREAKING good looking my gosh!

i sound like a crazy fangirl. sheesh!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

doggie tales



this is so so sad!! gretel is so loyal to her owner. even when she can't see, she still wants to protect her owner. dogs are truly men's best friend!

rest in peace, gretel.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011


火星男 - 女孩 - 地球男的故事

下定决心洗心革面  后来他成功了
她送的蛙兄  他随身携带
他们曾去过的餐厅倒了  他去学他们吃过的那道菜
他设计的建筑屋  灵感来自她

启宏的爱  好深好深  女主角选择了他是幸福的
看了这套电影我也感觉幸福 :)

‘ 十个男人,九个坏,一个爱作怪 ’
‘ 我要找第十一个!’



Monday, October 24, 2011

ethan in KAY-ELLE

say hi to our newest family member - ethan tang!

the WHOLE ng family went back to melaka the other day to meet this little guy. flown in from US with not a hint of bad mood / jet lag. awesome kid!

the family had been itching to meet him. just look at his chubby cheeks! don't ya feel like squeezing 'em? nyehehehe. he's as chubby in real life just as in pictures. we all took turns carrying him around. bet he loved the attention! oh and one thing! he likes to be carried by females. stretch out your arms and he'll go right to you! just like how carol used to be. just that it's the opposite sex of course. :)

he was only back for a week or so. 'ethan's asia fans tour' like how his dad / my cousin put it. missing this kid already! he's such a good boy. no bawling or shrieking throughout the whole time unlike SOME other kids. *ahhem* i mean, even an adult would complain over the longgg hours of sticking your butt on the plane seat and the transits and the delays and the what-not-s. that's nothing to this kid. beat us grown-ups hands down yo! 

wish my kid would be obedient like ethan. that would make parenthood slightly more appealing. :p 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011




credits: facebook

Monday, September 26, 2011

read your books!

this is so cooool!
i'll get this in my future home. :)

Thursday, September 22, 2011


天就会变得灰灰的  然后下起雨来

上天是在眷顾我的  :)

Monday, September 19, 2011


妥协  再妥协
人不像人  鬼不像鬼

滴答滴答  枕头淋湿了
心里明明清楚  可能已经太迟了

朋友  也许是最好的选择
把以前的回忆   深深埋在心底
当时的快乐  想念

他做的任何事情  一定是为了我
更美好的明天  在等着我

我们  必定会走回一起 :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

boo ♥

the cutest little thing!
i want a pomenarian too!

Saturday, September 10, 2011


有些东西  很想守护

到头来  从指缝间溜走了

我  是不是很可笑

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


been feeling kinda trapped these days. trapped in a game that i no longer wish to continue. but there's no way to escape. everything is starting to pile up. as i stand still and ponder my next step, i'm flooded with the expectations and hope of others for me to do well and succeed.

i'm tired. i'm sick of all of this. but where should i go? who should i tell?

the only way is to continue headstrong and pray that god leads me through.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

emma watson

she's absolutely stunning!
perfect role model for youngsters these days.

i'm gonna miss hermione!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

janice & sonia

super love this 2! 

can't wait for october. weeee~ :D

what's up?

hellooooo. it's been awhile! a quick update.

i PASSED all the papers i took in June'10. thank god for that! it'd be a real headache to re-sit all those papers again as i've already failed them once. failing is not an option. the treacherous process of learning everything all over again and seeing the same lecturers for another 6 months is just too much to bear.

so, thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. and most of all thank god for pulling me through! :D

Monday, August 8, 2011


好心啦uncle  一把年纪还酱好火
又不是拍你啦  发什么鬼火

我看过最白痴  最无聊  最讨人厌的莫过于你啦


他的女朋友应该是在viva home 的 lorenzo 上班
谁要是看到一个像冬瓜又矮又肥的男人  就是那无聊的uncle啦

Sunday, July 24, 2011

there are 2 types of people in this world.

the ones who try their best to make things work and remain optimistic of the outcome.

and the ones who just plainly criticize and wait for others to come up with a solution.

i've just came to realize we're living in a world full of hypocrites.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

new semester july'11

new sem has officially started! my timetable is a mess. forced to join part time classes for 1 of my papers. my saturday and wednesday nights will be packed with IAS and what-not-s. my friends are all in the full time class so i'll be pretty much lonely and cranky. -.- but i guess it's for the best as menon plans to do recap of f7 stuff exclusively in the part time class. so full time students, you're on your own! hehehe. however, it's pretty doubtful that she'll be able to keep it up as p2 and f7 is fairly different. i believe in the end she'll still go through everything painfully despite being mean and saying she won't do it at all for the full time students. sunway lecturers are awesome like that. :p

finally in the professional papers range. lecturers promises it to be harder and definitely more challenging. not sure whether i'm equipped academically and mentally for the challenge or not but BRING IT ACCA! i'll overcome you and graduate with a big grin on my face next august! :)

p/s: keeping my fingers crossed for my june'11 papers. pray for me!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


好心啦!你以为你快得了多少  还不是一样被卡在那边
天上有大把位给你飙  没人跟你争


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

expectation creeps in and i'm left picking up the pieces. my world is falling apart. i don't know what to do. neither do you. it used to be so easy and happy. as time passes by, it's getting harder to be happy with each other. mainly because of me.

i do not know myself anymore.

who are you?

Monday, June 13, 2011

a friend

ever been in a situation where you felt that you could do something more for a friend? other than what you've been doing all along, i mean. not the usual lend a helping hand kinda thing. more like talking or spending time with them, trying to understand what they're going through at that stage in their life etc.

i wish i had.

it's a shocker when i chat with him just now. he quit the band. he says he's no longer coming back. and it hit me. the guilt of not spending more time with him because of the thought 'oh there's still next time'. that we could still hangout when life is less crazy and stressful. and also, sadness that we might never/hardly see each other again.

he said he has bigger plans for God. i don't know what it is. but i believe he'll serve Him truly and faithfully as always. i pray that He'll watch over and guide him. help him to be inspirational to others just as he inspired me to serve the Lord with a bigger heart. and i pray, that we'll meet again.

take care, brother.

Friday, June 10, 2011

it's over and done with. weeeeeeeeeeee~ i love not being guilty of sleeping too much and not drowned by notes. :)

see you on 6july, acca! for now, i can have my life back.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

an encounter with Him

been studying in ucsi library for the past week or so. love the spot facing the window. clear of all distractions other than a few birds flying past every while and then. however, the big bright sun always chooses to shine so brightly when i'm motivated to study. it was so bright that i was starting to have a headache. and so i prayed for clouds and determination to study. and He answered. it was such a great feeling knowing that there's someone i could count on. don't think your most trusted friends could send clouds to your aid, can they? hah!

it may sound silly to some. why on earth would i pray for such minor things. a help out during sunday school class made me realize that by handing to him not only the big things but the minor ones as well shows that we've faith that he'll see us through.

God is so awesome! :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

my home....

.....someday. :)

credits to tumblr and facebook.

p/s: this post is scheduled to be up during my finals. wish me luck! :)