Saturday, April 11, 2009

after exam

just finished my PTs on friday
don't ask me how i did
because i don't know myself
when i thought i did okay, i ended up failing it
so no point thinking about it until i get proof, the exam papers
anyway, was thinking that i could relax and lie back a little since i had a really rough week
i mean, post-exam times are supposed to be relaxing and do-nothing right?

so wrong!!!

i just remembered that i have tons of homework to complete by tuesday
thanks to someone that i'm not really fond of at the moment, mind you
was hoping that someone could be a teensy bit more considerate looking at our current situation
but no hope for that
none whatsoever

at least there's something to look forward to my already-quite-gloom-weekend
there's gonna be a special easter performance tomorrow by the sunday school kiddies + mif youth
the mif youth are mostly in the band
leeyng tried a new combination of them this time
usually it's those few people who are playing the piano and the guitar
but this time it's totally different
other than ah kong who's stuck with the bass, can't change that 1 though :P

so here's the list of them, in case you're wondering
and if you weren't, no harm in reading it anyway right?! *winks*

lead singer: euvern
backup singers: kaier & lee chin
pianist: yuesum
guitarist: ben yong & zhiyuan
bass guitarist: douglas yong ah kong :D
drummer: ben hor
other singers: sunday school kids *those that turns up, that is*

okay.. my post is getting weird
so i better stop now



  1. at least this post is better...hahaaa...not so emo as the rest le...
