went to school with mum for parents-lecturer day
you're most probably staring at the screen like this, @_____@ now
i know... parents-lecturer day?! when you're in college?!
nonsense right
i totally agree with you
not that i mind my parents and lecturer meeting up
it's just that my whole day was messed up because of it
couldn't make it in time to church to do the money box with peaypei
sorry peay pei~~~~~ totally unintentional
i was like 3 hours late
thank goodness my lecturers were being nice
didn't say any bad things about me
well, they couldn't think of any even if they tried
i'm a good student ya know *wakakaka*
yanhui invited us over her house to celebrate her birthday
there were alot of food
alot of people also
i couldn't find any of my friends when i first stepped in *haha*
the house was like FULLLLLLLLLLLLLL man
HAPPY BIRTHDAY again girl~~ :)
we enjoyed persuading you to open the presents
and ignoring you when you say no
then tearing the presents
it was really fun
went home around 11
and i was konked off after my head touched the pillow
that's why i'm writing this now and not yesterday
oh what a day~~
i played for service today
and it was totally not as what we had practiced
which made me freak out even more than i already was
1st, i totally forgot that i was suppose to play the intro to the 1st song
the congregation was waiting for the music to start
and i was like, how come so quiet
then i looked at alex and he was like *hand gestures* play lah
then i looked at roman and he was urging me on
i was like omg omg omg omg..
seriously i don't remember anything about me playing the intro for that song
imagine how freaked out i was
i couldn't understand the chords that were right in front of me
i was reading it, but not quite reading it *you know what i mean*
thank goodness my fingers worked perfectly fine while my brain was still in shock
and then, while waiting for pastor to finish announcing parish notice
something happened again.. =.=
alex me lingchee
"eh, you know the hymn is 144 and not 447 right"
"WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" {a whisper kinda crazy-freaked-out 'what' because pastor was still talking}
"okay.. better ask lingchee to play for you."
*both of us quickly run-kinda-walk to lingchee*
"can you help play the hymns later? kylie doesn't know this hymn. "
"har?? you don't know?" *looks at me*
*nod nod nod*
"okay lar. but i'll charge you 50 cents for every note i play."
"thank you~~~~~~~~~" *auto filter out the charging 50 cents part*
you see, there are 2 books of hymnal that we use
either UMH or HUP
i thought the song was UMH 447
but it was actually HUP 447, which is song no.144 in UMH
i'm such a genius, i know =.=
learning from today's mistake
i'm not only gonna get the song number but also the song title
just to play on the safe side
imagine what would have happen if i played 1 song and the whole church sang another?
total disaster..
i'm playing again for next week
because kevin replaced me last month
and this week was supposed to be him
so i gotta pay back my "debt"
just hope that everything will turn out fine
i've got a weak heart
thank you alex..
thank you lingchee..