Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
smile :)
Monday, February 23, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
end of v-day + byeee rac
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy V-Day =)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
ice cream is.....

okay i'm getting random, again..
what else is new?! *wakakaka*
better go sleep off my sudden cravings for ice cream
eating at this hour
is very unhealthy-making
ice cream or no ice cream
nights peeps
feb birthday-s and steamboat!!
okay.. cut me some slack here..
been kinda busy (lazy) the past few days
so here's the thing....
got a sudden sms from wanying on thursday
asking whether i was free to go over for steamboat
as i was having my T5 PT zero the day after
i wasn't quite thinking straight
so i told her i'll decide after my test
what a good student i am~~~ =)
oh well.. let me just cut the story short
kinda sleepy right now
so we, as in jon, meeiqi, ah lai, joyce and me, did went over to wanying's
had steamboat and good session of chit chatting aka gossiping with the girls
super happy to see them
but was kinda sad also
cuz jon's gonna leave for australia like in a few days *sobs*
we're gonna miss you jon
eventhough you didn't bring your dslr *wakakaka*
okay.. i'm supposed to be sad right
and obviously sleepy also *looking at the time now*
we had a early birthday celebration for the february babies
namingly ah lai (feb10) and joyce (feb 7)
happy birthday kiddos.. =)
i propose that we gather monthly to celebrate the birthday babies of the month
so now all i gotta do
is to wait for march to creep in
time do pass super slow
when you wish it was faster
darn it..
and now the pictures.....
Monday, February 9, 2009
story telling...
and also his love for his mother and sister
The boy couldn ' t have been more than 5 or 6 years old.
The Cashier said, ' I ' m sorry, but you don ' t have enough money to buy this doll. '
Then the little boy turned to the old woman next to him: "Granny,
are you sure I don ' t have enough money?"
「奶奶!你也认为我的钱不 吗?」
The old lady replied: "You know that you don ' t have enough money to buy this doll, my dear."
Then she asked him to stay there for just 5 minutes while she went to look around. She left quickly.
她要小男孩呆在那里5分钟,她一下就回来。 她迅速离开了。
The little boy was still holding the doll in his hand.
Finally, I walked toward him and I asked him who he wished to give this doll to.
'It ' s the doll that my sister loved most and wanted so much for Christmas.
She was sure that Santa Claus would bring it to her. '
I replied to him that maybe Santa Claus would bring it to her after all, and not to worry.
But he replied to me sadly. ' No, Santa Claus can ' t bring it to her where she is now. I have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give it to my sister when she goes there. '
His eyes were so sad while saying this. ' My Sister has gone to be with God. Daddy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister. ' '
他说话时的眼睛是哀伤的。『我妹妹已经和上帝在一起。爸爸说 妈妈很快也将要去见上帝,因此我认为她可以将娃娃带给我妹妹。』
My heart nearly stopped.
The little boy looked up at me and said: ' I told daddy o tell mommy not to go yet. I need her to wait until I come back from the mall. '
Then he showed me a very nice photo of himself. He was laughing. He then told me ' I want mommy to take my picture with her so she won ' t forget me. '
'I love my mommy and I wish she didn ' t have to leave me, but daddy says that she has to go to be with my little sister. '
Then he looked again at the doll with sad eyes, very quietly.
I quickly reached for my wallet and said to the boy. ' Suppose we check again, just in case you do have enough money for the doll! ' '
我赶紧摸著钱包对小男孩说『我们再检查一下,说不定您有足够的钱买玩偶! 』
'OK ' he said, ' I hope I do have enough. ' I added some of my money to his without him seeing and we started to count it. There was enough for the doll and even some spare money.
『好呀!』他说『我希望有足够的钱』。没让他看见,我塞了一些钱到他的钱包中,我们开始数钱。买娃娃的钱足 了,甚之还有剩余呢。
The little boy said: ' Thank you God for giving me enough money! '
小男孩说:『谢谢上帝给了我足 的钱!』
Then he looked at me and added, ' I asked last night before I went to sleep for God to make sure I had enough money to buy this doll, so that mommy could give it to my sister. He heard me! ' '
然而他看著我补充说『昨晚睡前,我要求上帝让我的钱能足够买这个娃娃,因此妈妈能将它带给我妹妹。他听见我了! 』
'I also wanted to have enough money to buy a white rose for my mommy, but I didn ' t dare to ask God for too much. But He gave me enough to buy the doll and a white rose. ' '
『我也想有足够的钱买一朵白玫瑰给我妈妈,但我不敢要求上帝太多。但他给的钱足 买娃娃和一朵白玫瑰了。』
'My mommy loves white roses. '
A few minutes later, the old lady returned and I left with my basket.
I finished my shopping in a totally different state of mind from when I started.
I couldn ' t get the little boy out of my mind.
Then I remembered a local news paper article two days ago, which mentioned a drunk man in a truck, who hit a car occupied by a young
woman and a little girl.
The little girl died right away, and the mother was left in a critical
state. The family had to decide whether to pull the plug on the
life-sustaining machine, because the young woman would not be able to recover from the coma.
小女孩当场死亡,母亲呈现弥留状态。 这个家庭必须决定是否要拔出维持生命机器的插管 ,因为年轻少妇不可能从昏迷中恢复。
Was this the family of the little boy?
Two days after this encounter with the little boy, I read in the news paper that the young woman had passed away.
I couldn ' t stop myself as I bought a bunch of white roses and I went to the funeral home where the body of the young woman was for people to see and make last wishes before her burial.
She was there, in her coffin, holding a beautiful white rose in her hand with the photo of the little boy and the doll placed over her chest.
I left the place, teary-eyed, feeling that my life had been changed for ever.. The love that the little boy had for his mother and his sister is
still, to this day, hard to imagine.
And in a fraction of a second, a drunk driver had taken all this away from him.
Again... =.=
1 最近在看的電視----One Tree Hill
2 最近在做的事情----上课,睡觉,上网,发呆 etc
3 最近在聽的音樂----不记得了.. =P
4 最近關心的話題----考试
5 最近常想的異性----没时间想啦.. XP
6 最近常想做的事----睡觉!! 严重地睡眠不足
7 最近身體狀況----好像快生病了 T~T
8 最近理財狀況----还过得去
9 對朋友最想說的話----我好想你~~
10 對自己最想說的話----一定要坚持!!
11 記憶中做過的最瘋狂的事情----全班一起骗老师小考不是今天, 而是下个礼拜.. =D
12 最喜歡吃的食物----日本餐, 西餐.. 大致上都蛮爱吃的.. hehe..
13 最喜歡吃的水果----honeydew,mango etc
14 最怕什麼----蟑螂.. eewww @___@
15 現在最想做的事----上网看戏.. =P
16 你最遺憾的一件事情----我人生没遗憾,暂时
17 短期的目標----考好PT
18 現在最想買的東西----衣服,书,mac book.. 谁要买给我?! XD
19 覺得自己最大的優點是什麼----容易相信人{这好像不是件好事.. @.@}
20 近一年最丟人的事情是什麼---- 还好我没有..
21 今年最大的願望是什麼----顺顺利利考过CAT
22 迄今為止最難忘的一件事----表哥送我iPod
23 如果上天給你一個再來一次的機會,你最想改變哪件事情----我相信 everything happens for its best
24 現階段生活的支點是什麼----还是那句,考好CAT
25 “付出是為了獲得”是否是一切交流的原則----当然..要得到回报,就先要付出
26 到目前為止談過幾次戀愛----一次,都没有.. T~T
27 失去什麼你會不想活下去----家人,朋友
28 你會選擇愛還是被愛----被爱
29 你覺得自己能找到幸福嗎----当然,每个人都有幸福的权利
30 你認為自己善良嗎----我善良?!还好啦~~ =P
31 你觉得人活着是为了什么----为了让自己学习,也成为别人学习的对象
32 最想去的地方----日本!!韩国!!英国!!etc 讲到明天都讲不完.. =P
33 在你心目中,事業重要還是家庭重要----都很重要
34 你對同性戀婚姻有什麼樣的看法----我尊重他们
35 什么事能让你感到幸福----收到朋友和家人的关心+爱护
36 你難過時會想起誰----难过的时候,思想很乱
37 在生命的最後一天,你會做什麼---和最爱的家人+朋友一起过
38 你覺得自己是個自私的人嗎----有时候
39 一句刻骨銘心的謊話----说了就忘了.. =P
40 對自己的一切最滿意的是什麼----最满意啊.. erm..想不到呃
41 曾經的好朋友滄海桑田,你會覺得怎樣----死咯..沧海桑田是什么意思了.. @___@
42 什麼類型的電影最讓你感動----有动物的.. 我就拿它们没办法.. XD
43 喜歡用什麼方式排解煩惱----做自己喜欢的事情
44 這一秒你在想什麼----不懂要做这鬼东西做到几点.. =P
45 你有幾個真正的朋友----erm.. 少过10个
46 家人重要還是朋友重要,只能一選----硬要选的话, 家人咯
47 你印象最深刻的鬼片是哪一部?哪個情景?----我讨厌鬼片!!
48 你相信有靈魂這種媒介存在麼?----相信
49 如果要在身體上紋一個?身,你最希望的部位是哪裏----erm.. 我怕痛叻.. 应该会纹脚踝..
50 你最自戀的表現是什麼----我一点都不自恋.. { ya right.. =P}
51 如何稱呼自己的伴侶才夠肉麻?----猪猪 {和凯琪一样.. 实在是受不了}
52 你希望世界返璞歸真還是越來越先進----怎么问题越来越烦.. 跳过可以吗?! =P
53 你認為自己是什麼樣的人呢?----值得让人依靠的
54 不想死也不想好好活著的時候該以什麼樣的方式面對?----让自己休息一下,然后再面对问题
55 如果用動物來形容自己你最接近什麼動物?----@__@ 问题真的越来越难答呃
56 做了這麼多題目之後,有什麼想法?----凯琪你害死我!! XD
57 用三個詞來形容一下自己目前的生活----很累,不过很满足
58 支撐你對自己戀人無限包容的支點是什麼----每个人都会犯错
59 如果明確告訴你死了能到更美好的世界,你會不會馬上去死----我会不舍得
60 在你心目中,朋友,究竟是什麼?----依靠,关心,还有微笑的理由 =)
61 一個陌生人莫名其妙給你一個並不重的耳光之後,再對你微笑,你會有什麼反應----傻眼
62 你最讨厌什么样的人?----自以为是
63 你有過劈腿的經歷嗎(包括精神)---没有
64 目前為止,生命中重要的幾個人?(可以用昵稱)---亲爱的家人,朋友
66 最近聽到的最八卦的事情是什麼?----有人恋爱了~~~ XD
67 如果條件允許,會養什麼寵物?----狗狗.. 超爱的.. hehe..
68 等待一個愛的人, 你會為自己設一個時限嗎?----等到累了的时候
69 最近看了什么书啊?---Twilight
70 最令你无法忍受的事情----老师无缘无故给test
71 你有试过在大庭广众放无声屁吗?然后装傻。 要说真的哦!----当然有啦.. 我是正常人 =P
72 你喜歡什麼類型的異性?----幽默,体贴,可爱,有爱心
73 想擁有怎樣的一間房子! ?----很大很大,还有架grand piano在里面
74 想要為自己的明天做些什麼?----努力奋斗
75 如果有机会,你会不会来趟寻找自我之旅?原因?----什么寻找自我之旅?
76 以后希望从事什么事业?----有关现在读的
77 朋友在大庭广众做丢脸的事,你会怎么对他?----大笑然后遮着脸逃跑 XD
79 最想死的方法?----安稳地死去
80 在临死前的那一刻,最依依不舍的事?----我最亲的人
81 如果时间倒流,你想做的第一件事是什么?----想回到小学那些天真地日子
82 如果你发现你现在的男朋友/女朋友劈腿,你会原谅她吗?----先杀了他.. 还谈什么原谅.. XD
83 相信一见钟情吗?----相信
84 在你心中,我算是你的什么人?----朋友
85 请列出一个你认为我最大的优点和最坏的缺点。----优点:乐观 ;缺点: 想不到叻.. =P
86 如果这一题不用你绞尽脑子回答,你会不会感激我?----感激不尽.. -__-
88 要是大便大到一半,没有卫生纸,你会怎么办?----这是什么烂题目
89 现在的你开心和幸福吗?^^----还好啦~~ =P
90 喜欢的人喜欢你吗?----暂时空窗期
91 会对喜欢的人做什么事??----让他开心的咯
92 你会害怕死亡么?----有谁不怕的? 你跟我讲..
93 在什么情况下会跟不喜欢的人在一起?----被逼的时候把
94 如果你喜欢的人有男/女朋友,你会怎么做?----杀了另一个女的.. XD 当然是祝他们幸福咯
95 你是夜貓子嗎?----是
96 你现在最想揍的人是谁?----曾凯琪!!! XD
97 做了水晶指甲该怎么样挖鼻孔----唉,还真是个无聊的题目
99.你相信有永远吗?----我信.. 不过永远不是每个人都给得起的
101.如果得到一个神灯可以许的三个愿望分别是........?---- 家人和朋友都能幸福快乐,我能幸福快乐,大家美梦成真
102.从小到大应像最深刻的3本书???---- Harry Potter,Pendragon,Alex Rider
103.最有感觉的一部电影是……??----忘了名字,是关于一只忠臣的狗寻找主人的故事.. 超感人的 T___T
104.不让喜欢的人知道自己的心意会遗憾吗?---- 会.. 当然会希望他知道吧
我点的人: 好啦.. 放过你们.. 我不想被揍.. XD
暗算我的人: 曾凯琪!! 去揍她.. XD
yeah..终于做完了.. 104题..做到我半死.. -___-