Friday, November 29, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

they say it takes courage to hold on. i say it takes even more courage to know when to let go. 

to hold on you just need to continue doing what you've been doing all along and hoping the end result would be as what you expected. but to let go? you need to make up your mind that no this is not going to work, this is not for me, i was wrong, i need to end this. which is harder? 

many of times we tend to keep 'holding on' is not because it's the right thing to do, but because it's the easiest thing to do.

life isn't all about the good things. sometimes you need to throw out the bad things so God could put more good things in. 

clear up the mess in your life. throw things that you don't need. addiction. bad relationships. laziness. the list goes on. 

as painful and harsh this may be, giving up is part of growing up. you can't move forward if all you care about is the past. realize that it's not gonna work and move on. it will hurt now i'm sure, but rest assured when it hurts the most, that's when the wound starts to heal. 

let go. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

sexy clap ♥

latest crazy obsession of mine! 
sorry i just can't help it.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


没想到  偶然的一个询问  亲切的一个帮忙

但也因为这样  更显得那无声守候的可贵

幸好有你  我才熬得过漫长又枯燥的edc

-  there's always a reason who God chooses to put in our life.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


我希望的  只是远远地观望着

不去打扰  不去试探
不去关怀  也不去在乎

我厌倦  我反感  我有负担

这世界上没有谁  少了谁  会活不下去的

我们能不能就这样  淡淡地  变成陌生人?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


it's kinda scary how fast the weather changes from bright and sunny to doomsday thunderstorm in a matter of minutes. think i'm joking? this has been happening for the past few days! i'm serious! just this afternoon while i was using the computer,  the birds were chirping and the sun was blazing HOT till the extent i was considering an ice cold shower. but few minutes later, i hear thunders and crackling lightnings, and the next second i was running downstairs to bring in the laundry. the thought of cold shower flew out of my mind as i enjoy the cool breeze while gawking at the sudden rain. everything is so unpredictable these days even the bright shiny sun couldn't stay put for a day. LOL okay i dunno where that came from. i've no idea what was i trying to say. anyhow, random post with an even more random ending. okaybye.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

好朋友只是朋友  还是朋友

就一个人走  无所求

—— 郁可唯  ◆  好朋友只是朋友

Friday, April 5, 2013


- 西藏

Monday, April 1, 2013

Hello, April

and so, one of my favorite month has arrived! i must say, i DO NOT appreciate the speed in which time is flying by. so please slow down and smell the roses would ya? i need a little more time to breathe and enjoy my life thankyouverymuch.

in an effort to fully utilize my April so it doesn't fly by unproductively, i've come up with a to-do list. so here's to praying that my lazy butt can stick to it and by the end of this month i would be able to proudly declare i manage to complete the list. *fingers crossed*

#1 to do quiet time CONSISTENTLY!
#2 exercise exercise exercise
#3 start on my revision (2 months left! gahhhh the horror!)
#4 to talk less and observe more
#5 tidy up my closet
#6 meet new people
#7 to make time for catch-ups and meet-ups with friends (ACCA is NOT the entirety of my life!)
#8 read more
#9 to NOT get myself injured / sick

Saturday, March 30, 2013

我们的过程 :)


我们都变了  我们不知不觉地成长了
我们不再一样   但我们还是一样

我的人生有你们的陪伴  真的让我感到很庆幸
也时时刻刻地提醒着我  要保持最初的自己  维持这一份难能可贵的友情

一起成长的感觉  真好
接下来的日子  就让我们继续吵吵嚷嚷的过吧!

Monday, March 25, 2013

    we cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.

- Mother Theresa

Saturday, March 23, 2013

what word would you use to describe yourself?

there's ME and there's other people. at least that's how i see it. i see myself clearly, but other people are all grouped into a big chunk of 'other people'. so i'm quite curious how 'other people' sees themselves and how they would sum up their life / character / aspires in ONE WORD.

as for me, i hope my word would be 'genuine'. to always stay true to myself and treat others with a genuine heart.

but as of now, i think the best word to describe me would most probably be ..... LOUD. -.-

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

a bad start

2013 has not been good to me so far. been falling sick / getting injured non stop since the start of the year.

January     red eye (got it from camp)
               ⇢ vomit + fever (prolly due to my mindless eating spree on a college day-off. guilty. :p)

February    sprained right ankle while walking down the stairs (wasn't looking where i was going. careless!) 

March    right eye cornea abrasion (another careless incident where i hit my specs sideways while opening the door hence the nose thingy went into my eye. ouchh!)

just can't believe how many hours i've spent on bed just because of these incidents. especially the most recent one. couldn't do anything but let my eyes rest. believe me it's no fun being a one-eyed jack. so here's to hoping that my bad luck has finally run out and only good things will happen from now on. :)

Monday, March 4, 2013

'i do not believe the church is filled with perfect people. instead, it's filled with the most broken people you can find, because we all pretend that we're okay.'

food for thought. what is my brokenness?

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Thursday, February 21, 2013


摸不到的颜色  是否叫彩虹
看不到的拥抱  是否叫做微风
一个人  想着一个人  是否叫做寂寞

——  五月天 ◆ 星空

Friday, January 25, 2013

if our moral values are at opposite ends of each other, can i still be a loyal friend?
if i've to be so careful with what i say or do in front of you, how am i supposed to be a true friend?

you know very well there's something wrong with your values and principles. and yet you choose to ignore them. to go with the flow of life. if you don't change, this evil cycle will just repeat itself again and again and again. till the point where you get so tired of rejections and heartaches that you give up caring for others altogether. and where there's no more love and care in your life, you're left with nothing but despite and bitterness.

maybe this is the way you handle problems that life throws at you. maybe this is temporary. maybe you just don't care.