Thursday, April 25, 2013


我希望的  只是远远地观望着

不去打扰  不去试探
不去关怀  也不去在乎

我厌倦  我反感  我有负担

这世界上没有谁  少了谁  会活不下去的

我们能不能就这样  淡淡地  变成陌生人?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


it's kinda scary how fast the weather changes from bright and sunny to doomsday thunderstorm in a matter of minutes. think i'm joking? this has been happening for the past few days! i'm serious! just this afternoon while i was using the computer,  the birds were chirping and the sun was blazing HOT till the extent i was considering an ice cold shower. but few minutes later, i hear thunders and crackling lightnings, and the next second i was running downstairs to bring in the laundry. the thought of cold shower flew out of my mind as i enjoy the cool breeze while gawking at the sudden rain. everything is so unpredictable these days even the bright shiny sun couldn't stay put for a day. LOL okay i dunno where that came from. i've no idea what was i trying to say. anyhow, random post with an even more random ending. okaybye.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

好朋友只是朋友  还是朋友

就一个人走  无所求

—— 郁可唯  ◆  好朋友只是朋友

Friday, April 5, 2013


- 西藏

Monday, April 1, 2013

Hello, April

and so, one of my favorite month has arrived! i must say, i DO NOT appreciate the speed in which time is flying by. so please slow down and smell the roses would ya? i need a little more time to breathe and enjoy my life thankyouverymuch.

in an effort to fully utilize my April so it doesn't fly by unproductively, i've come up with a to-do list. so here's to praying that my lazy butt can stick to it and by the end of this month i would be able to proudly declare i manage to complete the list. *fingers crossed*

#1 to do quiet time CONSISTENTLY!
#2 exercise exercise exercise
#3 start on my revision (2 months left! gahhhh the horror!)
#4 to talk less and observe more
#5 tidy up my closet
#6 meet new people
#7 to make time for catch-ups and meet-ups with friends (ACCA is NOT the entirety of my life!)
#8 read more
#9 to NOT get myself injured / sick