just to keep you up to date, my torture days are over! couldn't really believe it myself. after T8 i was so relieved, i just wanted to have a big laugh or scream out all the tensions piled up inside of me for the past months. but after T9, which was the real i'm-done-with-exams day, i just felt really tired and hungry and sleepy. excitement all gone. that says a lot about audit doesn't it. it drains the life out of me and when i'm done with it, it feels like i just ran 98374982734271 miles. not sure if i'm gonna pass though.
anyway, now that the study-or-die period is history, it's time to party and laugh like a lunatic.
the plan : lookout point. dinner. breathtaking view. laugh. talk. camwhore.
ended up: traffic jam. gps. 1 car accident. 2 breakdowns. 1U. cake. laugh. talk. camwhore.
awesome plan. but an even more awesome turnout. it was so off our plan but plans are meant to be, well, just plans. what happened the end of the day is more worth remembering. :D
straight after paper T9, liting and i rushed to buy a cake for the belated birthday boy, jy. shen was left behind to buy us time. then mum called and said we couldn't go up lookout point. apparently it was raining like mad in cheras. perfect timing. so changed plan. searched the gps for any good hangouts and somehow we decided on 1U. jammed about an hour to get there. blame the rain and careless drivers. pfft.
went hunting for food once we arrived. chilli's had a longgggg waiting line. so we had our dinner at nando's. we were too hungry to wait for the food so thank goodness for the cake. the waiters saw the cake and wished us happy birthday. not jy but US. he didn't know who to wish so he took the safe side and wished us all. the cake was awesome. food was awesome. but we weren't the fairest judge at that moment. hunger makes everything taste simply yummy.
there were really nice christmas deco in 1U. so *snap snap*-ed all the way. i just love liting's 500D. someone get it for me this christmas!!!!!!!!!!! shen tried the jump shot. jy said it sucked and so he demonstrated. broke a chair in the process. not that it was his 1st. broke 2 in sunway U and now another 1 to be added into his list of vandalism. :P he was pretty sure that the guards were tracking him down. a total paranoid.
jy dropped shen and xinyi home 1st. i then took them up to the hilltop to have a view of kl. the sky was sooo clear after the heavy rain. it was a pity we couldn't go to lookout point. it's even better up there. at least now we know where to go for our next outing. :D
i've always love going out with close friends. even if it's just a simple dinner or drinks at the mamak. we could just laugh and talk about everything. not worrying what's the right thing to say or do. but just being who we are deep down inside. what more to ask in life but friends like these.
i cherish you.
p/s: jy got lost on his way back to sunway. send me home more often to help you remember the way kay?
yo girl~
ReplyDeletethe waiter is so funny,
to take the safe side, he just wished you all happy birthday, lol~
How are you my dear?
Miss you all so much~
and the malaysia yummy food too!!!@.@
hahah. yea. smart lo that waiter. scared say wrong stuff. :P i'm fine. how about you? update your blog more la yo girl!! miss you too. :D