Wednesday, June 22, 2011


好心啦!你以为你快得了多少  还不是一样被卡在那边
天上有大把位给你飙  没人跟你争


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

expectation creeps in and i'm left picking up the pieces. my world is falling apart. i don't know what to do. neither do you. it used to be so easy and happy. as time passes by, it's getting harder to be happy with each other. mainly because of me.

i do not know myself anymore.

who are you?

Monday, June 13, 2011

a friend

ever been in a situation where you felt that you could do something more for a friend? other than what you've been doing all along, i mean. not the usual lend a helping hand kinda thing. more like talking or spending time with them, trying to understand what they're going through at that stage in their life etc.

i wish i had.

it's a shocker when i chat with him just now. he quit the band. he says he's no longer coming back. and it hit me. the guilt of not spending more time with him because of the thought 'oh there's still next time'. that we could still hangout when life is less crazy and stressful. and also, sadness that we might never/hardly see each other again.

he said he has bigger plans for God. i don't know what it is. but i believe he'll serve Him truly and faithfully as always. i pray that He'll watch over and guide him. help him to be inspirational to others just as he inspired me to serve the Lord with a bigger heart. and i pray, that we'll meet again.

take care, brother.

Friday, June 10, 2011

it's over and done with. weeeeeeeeeeee~ i love not being guilty of sleeping too much and not drowned by notes. :)

see you on 6july, acca! for now, i can have my life back.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

an encounter with Him

been studying in ucsi library for the past week or so. love the spot facing the window. clear of all distractions other than a few birds flying past every while and then. however, the big bright sun always chooses to shine so brightly when i'm motivated to study. it was so bright that i was starting to have a headache. and so i prayed for clouds and determination to study. and He answered. it was such a great feeling knowing that there's someone i could count on. don't think your most trusted friends could send clouds to your aid, can they? hah!

it may sound silly to some. why on earth would i pray for such minor things. a help out during sunday school class made me realize that by handing to him not only the big things but the minor ones as well shows that we've faith that he'll see us through.

God is so awesome! :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

my home....

.....someday. :)

credits to tumblr and facebook.

p/s: this post is scheduled to be up during my finals. wish me luck! :)