Wednesday, May 12, 2010

victor borgue

borgue is to be pronounced as BOR-GUH. danish comedian, pianist and conductor. google him if you're interested. love the way he blends humor into his music. especially classical music. he makes it fun to learn. i'm left with a big WOW after every video. a true entertainer and music-lover. unfortunately, he's no longer with us. i so wanna meet him in heaven!

'follow me please!' and there he was playing at a different key putting the blame on the poor guy. HAHAHAHHAHA.

HAHAHHAA OMG HE CHASED HIS VIOLINIST OFF THE STAGE. freaking hilarious. and he was doing it with live audience seated. how awesome is that. i wanna watch this kinda concert!

Quoted by him: 'And now, in honour of the 150th anniversary of Beethoven's death, I would like to play "Clear the Saloon", er, "Clair de Lune", by Debussy. I don't play Beethoven so well, but I play Debussy very badly, and Beethoven would have liked that.'

HAHHAHAHAH i love his humor.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

what are we

'2 guys poured combustible liquid on a dog and set it on fire while another person was taking video of it.' saw this video a friend linked. it's so scary. the dog was crying for help. while they were pouring the liquid, it was rubbing itself against the floor and avoiding the guys at the same time.

and after awhile 1 guy just set the dog on fire. just like that. no hesitation or whatsoever. it's just like he was burning a piece of trash. the dog cried out of pain and no one came to its aid. the guys were just looking at it burn. looking at their 'masterpiece'. my heart ached.

is it that easy to set another living thing on fire? to watch it suffer and cry for help and know that it was you who caused it so much pain. how could humans be so cruel? god did not create us to RULE over the other animals. he created us to TAKE CARE of them. we were supposed to live together in peace and harmony. not taking them as our toy or entertainment when life gets dull. are we humans so great? what rights do we have to cause others such pain? a person with a wee bit of conscience and heart would know better than to harm those who are weaker. what more an animal so small and defenseless as a dog.

i'm starting to feel afraid of my own kind. men.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


好喜欢好喜欢她的声音 超有爆发力
但都不是她写的 :p

以前, 以后

好喜欢她那句 ‘假如我提的每个梦 你都觉得沉重 我还能够做什么 是放手或泪流’
就是会在那句的时候 pause下来 想一想

